Q&A. Nathalie Veronique Desplas Puel, Secretary of Tourism of Mexico City
What are Mexico City's expectations for this tourist festival?
It is important for Mexico City to be here, it is important to continue positioning itself because the Tianguis Turístico is so important at the Latin American level that attracts more and more countries at the international level and the best in the world, that is why it was very important to be here, but to be here with a very precise and very punctual offer is to say that we have 55% of the 70 exhibitors that we have in the magnificent stand, 55% are travel agencies, 25% are hoteliers, but we also have transportation companies, we also have a lot of entertainment and we also have some municipalities that have done us the favor of accompanying us and within those travel agencies it was very important that all segments were represented.
It is not only culture and historical entertainment, but also nature, rural, medical, religious, congresses and LGBT conventions, that is, what we wanted to do is to be present in all segments requested by large buyers worldwide and nationally.

How important is tourism for Mexico City?
For Mexico City, tourism is basic, it is one of the pillars of economic development and for that reason, well, for information purposes, I would like to point out that 9.1% of the capital's GDP comes from tourism and that is very important and also in terms of employment. In 2023, we had the figure of 750 thousand workers who are directly or indirectly related to tourist activities, which is a lot, that is to say, it is a city eminently of services and it is an innovative and lawful city and tourism has a preponderant part in all of that.
What figures could you remind us that Mexico City has achieved in terms of tourism?
Last year the figures came out and it is information already well known to everyone, but I would like to tell you that the tourists, when we call tourists in general, are the tourists who stay in hotels during the night, and these were 14.4 million tourists who stayed overnight in hotels, but that is not all, because many of them have a relative in Mexico City, so if we count and add the tourists, not only in hotels, those who stayed in friends and relatives' homes or on a platform, we add almost 17 million more and if we add what in statistics we call excursionists, which in normal language is called a one-day tourist, those who live in the neighboring states who go sightseeing and return home to sleep, there are another 25 million, that is, tourists in hotels, 14 million.4 percent are those that are published, but in reality, the city received more than 56 million tourists and visitors.

Invites you to visit Mexico City
I invite those who are going to read this interview and also see the digital platforms to get to know Mexico City, go to Mexico City, it is a city where you will find everything you are looking for and in Mexico City, apart from having this fabulous destination, you will also know the warmth of the people and the great tourist quality in the treatment, today recognized worldwide, that is why I invite you to go to Mexico City, we will welcome you with open arms and with our hearts ready to receive you as you deserve.
What is a must-see stop in Mexico City?
There are so many, because I would say that first the Historic Center.